Heartland Page 7
Outside Steven’s house, Lara found herself slowing her steps. Megan regarded her curiously. “Are you okay?”
“I just never thought I’d be setting foot inside this house.”
Even though it was well past midnight, Mrs. Marston had apparently been awake. She threw open the front door just then. “Is there any word on the little one yet?”
“Not yet, I’m afraid. I’m Lara Danvers.”
“I recognize you, girl,” she said readily, and Lara assumed it was because she’d seen her around town. It wasn’t until they were upstairs that she realized it was more than that. As Megan went in to sit beside her sleeping daughter, Lara couldn’t resist peeking into the master bedroom to see if it had been built the way she and Steven had planned it all those years ago. What she found took her breath away.
The bay window had exactly the view they’d envisioned, the window seat deep and padded with comfortable cushions. The bed was large enough to readily accommodate two tall people with a penchant for tossing in their sleep. It was what she found on the stand beside the bed that really threw her, though. In a small silver frame there was a copy of the one picture ever taken of her and Steven together. No wonder the housekeeper had recognized her. It must have puzzled her all these years to see a picture of a woman who lived so near yet never appeared in person.
Lara picked up the picture and carried it with her as she walked around the room. She remembered the morning it had been taken. It had been a few days after Christmas. Sun had sparkled on the icicles dangling from the barn roof and on the fine layer of snow that had dusted the ground. She and Steven had been riding hard, their breath visible in the cold air. When they galloped back to the barn, they found Tommy there playing with the inexpensive camera that had been his Christmas present. He’d insisted on taking a picture of the two of them. Lara’s hair was in golden disarray, her cheeks colored pink by the wintry chill in the air. Steven had looked bigger and bolder than ever in his jeans and sheepskin jacket. The expression in his eyes had been that of a lover. Tommy, for all his lack of skill with a camera, had managed to capture the secret smile that passed between them. It was a stirringly sensual picture.
She carried it with her as she wandered into the master bathroom. Turning her gaze from the picture she discovered a huge tub and, to her absolute delight, a skylight.
“So we could always see the fireworks,” Steven murmured startling her.
Lara whirled around. He was standing in the doorway watching her, an unreadable expression on his face.
“You remembered,” she said softly.
“Sentimental, huh?”
“It’s something I would never have guessed about you, but I like it.”
“You found the picture, too?”
She held it out guiltily. “Sorry. I’m afraid I was snooping.”
“It doesn’t matter. Do you like the house?”
“I love it.”
“I built it for you.” When she would have spoken, he held up his hand. “I know. I wasn’t sure you’d ever set foot inside the place, but I wanted to be prepared. I couldn’t do any less than what we’d talked about.”
“And the picture?”
“It made me feel closer to you. Do you still have yours?”
She nodded. “It’s in a drawer. I couldn’t throw it away.”
“Lara...” He broke off, looking confused.
“What is it? Has something happened to Kelly?”
“No. In fact, I think we may be getting very close to reaching her. I thought you and Megan would want to know.”
Her eyes lit up. “I’ll get Megan right away.”
“There’s just one thing I’d like to do first.” He stepped toward her, and Lara’s heart began a wild drumming. He tilted her chin up and searched her eyes for the longest time until she was sure the kiss would never happen. When his lips settled across hers at first, they were gentle and slightly tentative. But as she opened her mouth to him, he became bolder, hungrily taking what she offered. It was a lingering, breath-stealing kiss, yet somehow edged with caution. It was as though Steven feared demanding too much, feared that her acceptance might just as easily turn to rejection.
But Lara couldn’t have turned him away if she’d wanted to. He was fulfilling dreams she’d had on too many nights. She was mystified by this power he had over her, awed by it. In many ways she feared it, as she’d feared little else in recent years.
His lips moved lightly on hers, the deep, drugging kiss followed now by quick, affectionate ones. At last he sighed heavily and reluctantly drew away.
“You can’t imagine how many times I’ve imagined you here with me, in my arms. Now that you’re really here, it’s all I can do to let you go.”
“We have to tell Megan the news. We have to go back.”
“Of course we do.” His eyes blazed with promise. “But when this is over, Lara, you won’t get away so easily.”
* * *
When they reached the well, he settled her and Megan just beyond the work area and went to check on the progress that had been made. While he was gone, Lara found herself scanning the crowd to find him, taking her strength from his quiet self-confidence, finding it in a glance that told her again and again he understood her pain, her fears, her desperation for some new ray of hope.
Watching him work companionably with the men from town, she realized with a start that he was no longer an outsider. At some point since his return, the bold hit-and-run developer of eleven years ago had become an accepted, even respected member of the community.
At last he came over to the two of them and held out his hand. A smile played about his lips.
“Come with me.”
A part of her wanted to resist, to stay back here on the fringes where she could keep desolation at bay, but Megan was already starting forward, excitement in her eyes. Lara hung back for an instant.
“Why?” she asked, afraid to get her hopes up despite the look on his face.
“Just come.”
She put her hand in his and felt his warmth steal through her. Slowly he led her back to the well.
“Listen,” he said softly.
Lara strained to hear, and when she did, tears welled up and spilled down her cheeks. Megan’s cheeks were similarly damp. The sound was weak and came from very far away. The words were halting, but Lara had no doubt about what she heard. Kelly was singing the words to the song Logan had taught her earlier.
Lara lifted shining eyes to Steven.
“Thank you.”
Megan nodded. “You have no idea how badly I needed to hear that.”
“I think maybe I do,” he said, and gently brushed away Lara’s tears as Tommy came to hold Megan. Lara clung to Steven, her head resting against his chest where she could hear the steady beat of his heart. “Lara, I can’t tell you not to be scared. You have every right to be terrified. Just know that I want that little girl out of there safely every bit as badly as you do. Even though you and I have had our problems, there’s nothing in this world I wouldn’t do to try to save that child.”
Lara swallowed. “I know you’re trying. If...if it doesn’t work out, I won’t blame you.”
Steven touched a rough finger to her lips. “Only positive thoughts are allowed around here, okay?”
“Okay.” She met his gaze and found something unexpected there, an intensity that under other circumstances would have made her blood race. Unable to cope with it, she glanced away.
“It won’t be long now,” he promised.
Still, the tedious process seemed to drag on interminably through the morning and afternoon. Steven was there for her. When her words faltered, he seemed to know what it was she’d meant to say. He continued to give her uncommon strength with a single glance, a whispered encouragement.
When the sun began to set on the second day of the ordeal, Lara sat shivering in the cool evening air. Megan was with Tommy, and she was once again alone with only her thoughts for company. Terry lingered nearby, but as if she understood Lara’s unspoken need for solitude, she waited for some sign that she was needed again.
Floodlights lit the scene, giving it an eerie sense of unreality. The sound of drilling had ceased, and only the low murmur of conversation and hushed directions penetrated the silence.
When Steven approached, his handsome face streaked with dirt, Lara felt the knot of tension in her stomach ease. He dropped down beside her. She reached out tentatively and brushed a streak of dirt from his cheek.
“I think we’re finally ready to do it,” he said, capturing her hand and holding it tightly.
Lara swallowed. They were the words she’d been waiting forever to hear, but now they frightened her. What if this rescue failed? Worse, what if they reached Kelly, and it was too late?
“I think you should stay back here, though. This could take a while.” She knew from what he left unsaid that he shared her fears and wanted to spare her if they had failed.
“Are you going down?”
She rubbed a finger gently across the scrapes and bruises on his knuckles. “Then you’ll get her out.”
“No, don’t. I have to believe that. I have to believe in you.”
“Lara, I could fail.”
She put her hands over her ears and pretended not to have heard, though the bleak words echoed through her head.
“You will bring her back to me.” She glanced at Megan and Tommy, whose eyes were filled with heartache as they waited. “You’ll bring her back to us.”
She had no idea of the exact moment when bitterness and hatred had turned to trust again, but it had, and it was the only thing that warmed her now.
She followed Steven with her eyes as he returned to the site, watched as he donned his hard hat and draped cables and tools around his waist. Just before he stepped to the opening, his gaze swept the perimeter of the crowd and found her. He gave her a jaunty thumbs-up gesture, which she returned with a trembling hand.
Despite Steven’s warning that she should stay back, she was drawn closer and closer to the raw opening that had been cut in the earth. An ambulance and a team of paramedics stood by.
“What’s taking so long?” Lara murmured, tension twisting inside her. She imagined all the terrible things that could go wrong. She folded her arms across her middle and held on for dear life. Nervously her fingers bit into the soft flesh of her upper arms as the wait dragged on.
A quiet stirring of excitement drew her attention. She saw the fire chief smile, then heard an eruption of sound at his announcement. “He’s got her. He’s bringing her out.”
Chapter Six
As the word spread, a cheer arose. Lara crept closer, holding her breath now, peering into the pool of light that centered on that gaping hole. She saw the flash of his bright yellow hat as Steven began to emerge.
And then she could see Kelly, blinking at the bright lights, rubbing grubby hands across her dirt-streaked cheeks. She cuddled closer to Steven’s chest and buried her face in his shoulder, then peeked out beguilingly. When her smile came at last, Lara released her breath and ran to her.
Megan and Tommy were there before her. Casting a regretful glance in Lara’s direction, Steven placed Kelly carefully into Megan’s waiting arms. Despite the rightness of his action, Lara felt suddenly lost and alone until Steven reached for her hand and held it tightly, his gaze filled with compassion and understanding. Megan was openly weeping, her brave facade gone now that she actually had her baby back. Even the normally stoic Tommy had a suspicious glimmer of dampness at the corners of his eyes.
“Mommy! Daddy!” Kelly exclaimed in a tired but excited voice. “You came to see me.”
When Megan and Tommy couldn’t seem to get a word out, Lara said, “Of course, they did, baby. You gave your mommy and daddy and me quite a scare.”
“I not like it down there.”
Steven spoke up then. “I think it might be a good idea if you took her to the hospital to get checked out. She seems just fine, but it’s best to be sure.”
Tommy nodded. “We’ll take her right away.”
He paused, as if something else were on his mind. Lara knew he was struggling with mixed emotions about owing such a debt to a man he’d come to hate on her behalf. Though she knew in the end he would say the right thing, she decided to make it easier for him.
“Steven, I don’t know if we’ll ever be able to thank you enough for what you did,” she said, lifting her gaze to meet his, sending him a message that went far deeper than mere appreciation.
“No thanks are necessary.”
“Yes, they are,” Tommy said quietly. “You saved our little girl. We owe you.”
“Just make sure she grows up to be as lovely as her Aunt Lara,” Steven responded, his eyes never leaving hers. “That’ll be thanks enough.”
Tommy apparently caught the heated look passing between Lara and Steven, because he frowned. Megan prevented him from saying anything by stepping in and reminding him that they needed to take Kelly to the hospital.
“We’ll see you back at the house then,” Tommy told Lara.
Steven met Lara’s gaze, sending a clear, urgent request that made her tremble. “No,” she said to Tommy. “You and Megan need to be alone with Kelly tonight. I’ll stay at Steven’s. We’ll bring Jennifer back in the morning.”
Tommy started to argue, but Megan again intervened. “Fine. We’ll see you all in the morning. Come over in time for breakfast.”
When they had gone, Steven cast her a rueful glance. “I don’t think your brother approves.”
“He’s always been very protective of me. He’ll come around.”
Steven smiled. “I guess if I can win you over, Tommy should be a piece of cake.”
“Does his approval matter to you?”
“Only because I know how very much it matters to you. Now let’s see that everything here is wrapped up and be on our way.”
For the first time Lara recalled all the people who had come to help and were now busy cleaning up. She circled through the crowd thanking each one of them. As they voiced their delight about the outcome of the rescue, she was once again moved by the genuine kindness and generosity of people she had deliberately turned from for so many years. When she came to Terry Simmons, she hugged her without restraint, still surprised by the depth of her feelings for this woman she’d barely known forty-eight hours earlier.
“I couldn’t have gotten through the last two days without you,” she admitted with uncommon candor.
“Posh-tosh, girl. You’re a survivor. But if I was able to ease things a little for you, I’m glad. Just don’t be a stranger now. My door’s always open.”
“Thank you.”
When she was alone with Steven at last, he draped an arm around her shoulders. “Let’s go home.”
Home. The word sent a thrill through her. Oh, if it was only true. For the moment, though, she would take whatever comfort tonight offered and pray that tomorrow would take care of itself. The near tragedy had already reminded her of so many things she had nearly lost. She wouldn’t give Steven up again, not if she could help it.
This time when she reached Steven’s house with him by her side, it felt like a homecoming. He gazed down at her, his eyes darkening to the intense blue of a nighttime sea. “I feel as though I should be carrying you across the threshold, but I’m not sure I have the strength left.”
She placed her hand against his cheek, then gently touched the lines of exhaustion on his brow. “We’ll save that for another time. It’s enough for me just to be coming here with you.”
“I hope you didn’t feel pressured into coming,” he said, sounding suddenly contrite.
She grinned. “All you did was look at me,” she retorted lightly. “I made the decision.”
“Knowing that iron will of yours, I suppose I should never have doubted it.” He held out a hand. “Come on, then. Let’s go in.”
The front door had barely closed behind them, when Mrs. Marston appeared, her face alight with a broad smile. “I heard on the news. The little one is okay.”
“She seems to be fine,” Lara said.
“I’m so glad.” She peered anxiously at Steven. “And you’re okay, too? No cuts and scrapes under all that dirt?”
He chuckled. “Don’t worry. I’ll clean up before I sit on the furniture.”
Mrs. Marston grew flustered. “I was not suggesting for one moment...” she began, her cheeks turning bright pink.
Lara chuckled. “If you weren’t, you should have been. He is a mess.”
“Okay,” he grumbled lightly. “I get the message. I’ll go take a shower.”
“Would you like dinner?”
“Perhaps just some sandwiches and a pot of chamomile tea. Is that okay with you, Lara?”
“You can leave them in the living room, Mrs. Marston. I’ll be back down shortly.”
As he left the room, Mrs. Marston turned to Lara. “If I might, could I suggest you go up to see your niece for a few minutes. She’s been a little restless tonight. I think it would do her a world of good to know that her sister’s okay.”
“I’ll go right up,” Lara said, following Steven up the stairs.
He apparently heard her coming, because he waited for her at the top, then caught her in his arms. Anticipation sent her pulse racing.
“I can’t wait another moment to do this,” he said before lowering his lips to hers. Her soft curves fit snugly against the hard planes of his body, and heat flooded through her. Her arms slid around his shoulders, and she felt herself lifted up on tiptoe as he shifted her even more tightly against him. He smelled of dirt and sweat and warm masculinity, the strong odors oddly erotic to her senses. His touch was brashly possessive and confident now, stroking her skin in a way that left a wake of fire. His hands cupped her buttocks and urged her against the hard evidence of his arousal. As it had all those years ago, it created a warm feeling of purely feminine satisfaction. The magic had not left her touch.